All Phase Performs in 2020 UC Riverside Almond Scab Field Trial

All Phase performs in 2020 field trial overseen by Professor James Adaskaveg of UC Riverside for controlling Almond Scab.  All Phase performed better than any other “soft-chemistry” evaluated.  It performed better than LifeGuard (Cirtus USA), it performed better than a rotation between LifeGuard (Cirtus USA) and Double Nickel (Cirtus USA) applications, it performed on par with a mixture of Merivon (BASF) + Serifel (BASF), and statistically there was no significant difference in the performance of All Phase and Luna Sensation (Bayer Crop Sciences).

In this trial all products evaluated were mixed with the surfactant, DyneAmic.  It is our experience that All Phase works even better with silica based surfactants such as HiWett or Silwet.

We recommend including All Phase in rotation with other chemistries.  All Phase has the advantage of having zero harvest intervals and workers can safely reenter field as soon as sprays have dried.

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