Grape Production Guidelines for Using Circadian Crop Sciences Products

Circadian Sunrise is OMRI Listed and should be in every organic grower’s pesticide toolbox. Conventional farmers should consider using it for an alternative mode of action. It solves the phytotoxicity problems inherent in essential oil based pesticides (patent
pending), while introducing a potent biostimulant (patent pending). Unlike other horticultural oils, Circadian Sunrise fumes to reach where sprays miss. Unlike other horticultural oils, growers can safely rotate in sprays of Circadian Sunrise between sulfur applications. We recommend bi-weekly applications starting within the two weeks following budbreak and continuing up until harvest. A rate of one ounce of Circadian Sunrise per gallon of water is generally suffient to prevent powdery mildew, botrytis, and other foliar fungal diseases, and to keep populations of most insects and mites low. To eradicate existing outbreaks of diseases you can safely mix Circadian Sunrise at rates of up to 3 ounces per gallon. We recommend spraying Circadian Sunrise in the early morning or evening when honeybees are less active. Circadian Sunrise tested as non-toxic to honeybees using the EPA’s standardized test, but if you drench honeybees with Circadian Sunrise sprays, it will kill them, as it will kill most insects and mites. Parasitoids within mumified aphids are unaffected by sprays. Circadian Sunrise leaves behind no residual toxins, so it works well in conjuction with beneficial organisms.
Circadian Sunrise can kill mealybugs, but to be truly effective we recommend treating dormant vines with sprays coarse and powerful enough to flake loose bark and to breakup egg masses and multi-layered colonies. The biostimulant in Circadian Sunrise has the potential to: 1. Increase yields. 2. Increase anthocyanins in fruit. 3. Increase sugar content of fruit. Circadian Sunrise has no required harvest or reentry intervals.

All Phase is a fungicide, bactericide, and spray adjuvant. With All Phase we combine one of the most effective and widely used food preservatives in the world, potassium sorbate, with two plant-based polymers (patent pending). In a recent UC Davis field trial, weekly applications of All Phase at a low rate effectively controlled powdery mildew on chardonney grapes. All Phase is priced to compete with sulfur, and is safe to used in rotation with sulfur. The active ingredient in All Phase is also proven effective against botrytis. All Phase works well when used alone, but the polymers in All Phase make it a great spray adjuvant, increasing deposition of spray droplets and keeping sprays wet against target organisms longer. It adds a new and complex mode of action to your spray rotation. Consider applying All Phase at higher rates to seal winter pruning cuts and reduce incidence of stem cankers.

Detailed pest control guidelines for grapes are available at UC IPM website:

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