Get 2021 off to a great start with All Phase and Circadian Sunrise

All Phase

One foliar application to seedlings prior to transplanting protects against root diseases without disturbing soil biology.  A scientific study published in the Journal of Microbial & Biochemical Technology proves it.  In this study potassium sorbate, the active ingredient in All Phase, was foliar applied to 30 day old tomato seedlings.  Seedlings were subsequently transplanted to media and that media was inoculation with plant pathogens, including species of Fusarium, Verticillium, Rhizoctonia, Colletotrichum, Pythium, and Sclerotinia.  Plants were evaluated sixty days later without any further treatments.   Treated plants were significantly better off.  When compared with non-treated plants, Verticillium wilt severity was reduced by 50%, Fusuarium wilt severity was reduced by 78%.  Plant heights, aerial fresh weights, root fresh weights, tomato fruit rots were all significantly improved.  Other independent studies prove that preventative applications of All Phase are effective in controlling foliar diseases such gray mold and powdery mildew.  Don’t wait for infectious diseases to take hold.  Start with treating seedling with All Phase prior to transplanting and rotate with sulfur or other fungicide applications throughout the growing season for ultimate disease suppression.

Circadian Sunrise

Many published studies verify the efficacy of mint oils in controlling insects and mites.  You might not need to spray this early in the year for those pests, but Circadian Sunrise also controls gray mold and powdery mildew.  Field trials conducted in 2020 by UC Davis prove it.  In fact, when compared with products from the world’s largest pesticide manufacturers, nothing performed better than Circadian Sunrise in controlling powdery mildew on chardonnay grapes.  Circadian Sunrise was also a top performer in controlling bunch rot in grapes.  And Circadian Sunrise is OMRI certified for use by organic growers.  The main reason for early applications of Circadian Sunrise, though, is for the biostimulant effect of the triacontanol inherent in our source of corn oil.  Triacontanol is a proven bio-stimulant, supported by many independently published studies.  Triacontanol has been shown to increase yields of fruits and essential oils, along potency of flavonoids and terpenes in many crops.  Sprays made early in crop development have a greater biostimulant effect than sprays made closer to crop maturity, and when plants are small a little spray goes a long ways.  With weekly applications starting with seedlings you should see significant increases in yields and quality while keeping insects, mites, and certain diseases from ever getting out of control.

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