Northwest Cannabis Solutions Slated To Run Indoor Trial of Biostimulant Effects of Circadian Sunrise

Northwest Cannabis Solutions is slated to run an indoor trial of the biostimulant effects of Circadian Sunrise on indoor grown cannabis.   Some academics attribute increased yields from biostimulants helping plants deal better with environmental stresses.   Researchers that have actually studied and worked with triacontanol tend to believe that triacontanol works like a hormone on the cellular level.  One thing for sure, plants treated with Circadian Sunrise in this study are grown in as optimal conditions as you’re going to find anywhere.  Their head of research, Dr. Ayzik Solomeshch, also knows how to design and conduct top caliber research.   If Circadian Sunrise treated plants significantly out-perform non-treated plants, then triacontanol’s benefits go beyond just helping plants deal with environmental stresses.

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