In 2019 our minimum risk pesticide, All Phase, outperformed conventional pesticides, including Quintec and Flint in controlling powdery mildew on Chardonnay grapes in an independent study conducted by UC Davis. We weren’t surprised. All Phase contains potassium sorbate, the broad-spectrum fungicide/bactericide that has protected our food from spoilage for over 70 years. That means has to be safe and effective or our food would spoil and we’d all get sick from it. It adds multiple modes of activity against bacterial and fungal diseases to your pest control toolbox with one product. Numerous university studies from around the world confirm potassium sorbate’s effectiveness. If you check out the “Research” tab on our website you can see that many of studies show efficacy against range of plant pathogens. With All Phase we bridge the gap between effective food preservative and agricultural pesticide by combining potassium sorbate with two plant-base polymers that keep sprays wet longer and reduce drip. This means that more active ingredient is in contact with target organisms for a longer duration. That’s a winning combination for pesticides you might tank mix with All Phase. And because All Phase is so affordable you might as well use it as a spray adjuvant on a regular basis.
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